Balance Sheet Builder

Property Division made easy, in our turnkey balance sheet with built in formulas.

Next demo dates: Monday, Jan. 27 at 4:00pm; Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 3:00pm; Friday, Feb. 7 at 1:00pm (all via Zoom)

Effortlessly organize your client’s assets and liabilities into the Balance Sheet Builder. This Excel-based spreadsheet provides a clean format for seamless data entry, while allowing for all the customization you have come to know and love in a spreadsheet.

Built In Formulas to:

Sum up your columns with a locked in formula so you don’t inadvertently make a mistake.

Add adjustments to your real estate for maintenance & repair, tax adjustments, and selling expenses.

Tax adjust your life insurance cash value, personal investments, and retirement accounts, with your desired assumptions.

Just push a button and easily calculate the amount needed to transfer assets by category of assets — i.e. equalizing retirement division or investments.

Handy calculator to adjust a cash equalizer into a pre-tax retirement transfer.

Determine the lump sum equivalent to a stream of payments, to consider a spousal maintenance buy out.

Key Features

Utilize the quick calculator feature to solve for equalizing retirement, bank and personal investment accounts. Simply push the embedded button and the magic happens.

Quick Calculator for Equalization

Instantaneous Tax Adjustments

Make tax adjustments to retirement and personal investments on the fly, with the built-in formulas to easily refine financial models quickly.

Real Estate Adjustments

Make quick adjustments to real estate, including a discount for maintenance and repair, factor in selling expenses, and work in potential tax liability.

Bonus Buttons

Want to convert your cash equalizer payment to a tax-adjusted transfer from a retirement account? Or calculate the present value of a lump sum spousal maintenance? We’ve got you covered.

Witness the power of a cutting-edge balance sheet with a clean format for entering assets and liabilities, laid out into an easy-to-understand report.

Cutting-Edge Balance Sheet  Format

Purchasing & Pricing

Purchase the Balance Sheet Builder for just $300.

  1. Follow the Buy Now link to complete the purchase.

  2. Accept the terms and conditions and make payment.

  3. You will automatically be able to download the Balance Sheet Builder in Excel format.

  4. Easy to follow directions are included to immediately start working in your balance sheet.

Click here for FAQs.

Click here for Terms & Conditions.